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Vibration feeding equipment can prevent bolts from loosening in addition to stop nuts!


Hebi Coal Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer mainly producing mining transportation equipment, belt feeders, vibrating feeders, activated feeders, vibrating ore-drawing machines, etc. In the process of product manufacturing, our company strives for excellence in every part of the product. Among them, bolts in equipment connection are an important element of mechanical structure used for connection and transmission. Convenient, reliable connection and other advantages, it has become the most widely used connection method at present. Once the bolt connection is loosened in the use of mechanical equipment, it will cause the bolt to fall off and cause a major safety hazard, or the pre-tightening force of the bolt will decrease and the fatigue life of the bolt connection will be greatly shortened. Therefore, appropriate anti-loosening measures should be selected in production to ensure that the bolts do not loosen in actual use. Today I will introduce thread fastening glue and thread adhesive, also known as thread glue, anaerobic glue, and mechanical glue. seal. When the glued surface is isolated from the air and catalyzed, it can be quickly polymerized and solidified at room temperature. The composition of thread glue is relatively complex, with unsaturated monomers as the main components, and aromatic amines, phenols, aromatic hydrazines, peroxides, etc. With the continuous innovation of the formula, it is becoming more and more perfect day by day, and the product range is complete, which is favored by the machinery industry. It will not solidify when in contact with oxygen or air, and will quickly polymerize into a cross-linked solid polymer once the air is shut off. By “anaerobic” is meant that the glue does not require oxygen when used.

The main function of thread fastening glue:
Prevent threaded connections from loosening. Once the threaded connection is loose, the light one will affect the normal operation of the machine, and the serious one will cause serious accidents, so effective loosening measures must be taken. Thread fastening glue is a kind of anti-loosening measure commonly used in engineering for non-detachable connections. It has a series of high temperature resistant, high strength thread lockers and thread sealants. Manufactured with special innovative technology, it can withstand extreme high temperature and stress up to 350°C without causing quality degradation; this is another choice for bolt connection in vibrating feeding equipment without double nuts and stop nuts. For more questions about feeding equipment, please consult the official website of Hebi Coal Chemical, www.hbmhjx.com! Sales Hotline: 0392-2621749
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