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Analysis of the causes and solutions of vibration motor “heating”


During the operation of the vibrating feeder, the problem of motor “heating” may occasionally occur. This chapter, the professional manufacturer of the feeder, Hebi Coal Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd., will analyze and provide advice for you.

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cause of issue:
1. The shear rubber spring is vulcanized;
2. The motor bolts are loose;
3. Too much or too little grease;
4. The lubricating oil is of poor quality and contains impurities;
5. The bearing is improperly matched with the journal or end cover (too loose or too tight);
6. The inner hole of the bearing is eccentric and rubs against the shaft;
7. The motor end cover or bearing cover is not leveled;
8. The angle between the eccentric blocks on both sides and the exciting force are inconsistent;
9. The bearing clearance is too large or too small;
10. The motor shaft is bent;
11. The feeder sticks to the bottom.

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1. Replace the shear rubber spring damaged by vulcanization;
2. Tighten the motor anchor bolts;
3. Add grease as required (1/3-2/3 of the volume);
4. Check and replace clean grease;
5. If it is too loose, it can be repaired with adhesive, and if it is too tight, it should be machined, and the inner hole of the journal or end cover should be ground to make it suitable;
6. Repair the bearing cover and eliminate the rubbing point;
7. Reassembly;
8. Readjust the excitation force of the eccentric blocks on both sides;
9. Replace the new bearing;
10. Correct the motor shaft or replace the rotor;
11. Clean up the adhesive material on the bottom plate of the feeder in time.
The above are the common causes of vibration motor heating, including processing, assembly, use, maintenance and other issues. In order to grasp the operation status of the equipment in time, avoid risks due to insufficient inspection or replace manual inspection, the life cycle management system of the feeder developed by Hebi can be configured.
The life cycle management system of Hebi coal feeder can monitor the operating parameters of each part of the feeder in real time. Through the analysis and processing of this information, combined with the historical status of the equipment, upload it to the upper computer to issue an alarm signal; realize early warning of faults , the accident stopped in time. At the same time, according to Hebi Coal Chemical’s powerful feeder big data system, it can automatically analyze and judge the cause of the failure, and provide the failure point and maintenance plan in time. It completely replaces manual inspection, improves the efficiency of inspection and maintenance, reduces the occurrence of safety accidents, and improves the normal operation rate of equipment.

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